The very reason for establishing Language Services Bureau in 1979 was to serve the ever-growing technical base and industrial belt of Pune (India), which was in an expansion spree with mergers, collaborations, transfer of technical know-how etc. Since 1979, Language Services Bureau has been providing multilingual technical translation services of manuals, specifications, guides, standards, etc. for many International languages like French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, etc.

In technical translations, the most crucial part is the precise and consistent translation of terminology into the target language. To this end, the following stages of the translation process are of utmost importance:

Correct information sourcing

Unique specialized technical dictionaries and glossaries are used for translation and interpretation of technical content which makes the final product authentic, consistent and exact. Special care is taken that the most updated versions of these resources are used so as to keep up with the fast evolving technical world. We guarantee that our technical translations are of top quality and second to none in this industry.

Correct information sourcing
Correct information sourcing

Correct information selection

It may sound unbelievable that a word in a technical dictionary may have up to 300 translations – i.e. one word can have many meanings. It is the translators skill (with the help of his/her language skills and technical know-how) to select the most apt word in the target language that proves to be a perfect fit for the given context. With colloquial terms and technical jargons that are specific to different countries, regions or dialects, only a technically sound person having in-depth knowledge of the source and target languages can do justice to such tasks.

Professional technical translation services provided by Language Services Bureau considering the above mentioned particularities are therefore of the very best quality, and do not leave any trace of ambiguity.

We are committed to the highest quality standards. Thanks to expert, industry-specific translators, strictest quality assurance system and the best translation tools, your final translated document reads as if it has been originally written in the target language.

Correct information sourcing

To assure the best quality translations, we observe a strict Quality Assurance Process through which each and every aspect of the text is checked. A translation draft is submitted to the following checklist so as to verify that the complete QA process is observed.


  • Completeness of text (including paragraphs, embedded charts, text in images, tables, footnotes, headings, headers & footers, etc.).
  • Consistency of the terminology
  • Spelling
  • 2nd reading & revision: grammar, punctuation, quotation marks as well as language style and tonality as per the requirement of text type and/or as specified by the client, coherence and cohesiveness, flow of the text is checked.
  • Correctness & format of figures: decimal points/commas, thousand separators, currency symbols, measures, etc. are checked.
  • Layout: numbering, fonts, styles, tables & embedded objects are preserved. It is the test of a translation to read like an original. If one can guess that a document is a translation of another technical document, then it definitely requires more work.

By using computer software designed to support and facilitate the translation process, i.e. CAT tools (Computer Assisted translation/computer aided translation); the time required for translation is largely reduced. These are used to translate soft copies of documents (electronic version of documents). The CAT tools not only reduce the time required for translation but also ensure accuracy, consistency and minimized human errors. Translation memory (TM) programs store previously translated source texts and their equivalent target texts in a database and retrieve related segments during the translation of new texts. CAT tools help in using consistent standardized vocabulary not only for one project but all similar projects in future. Depending on the client’s preference, CAT tools like Wordfast, Trados, etc. can be used.

Language Services Bureau has a rich in house library consisting of a collection of over 100 rare dictionaries in more than 20 Indian and international languages. The fields covered amongst these dictionaries range from general, technical, computing, internet, chemical, business (commercial), electrical engineering, telecommunications, electronics, medical and so on. All kinds of dictionaries, i.e. monolingual, bilingual and multilingual with different language combinations are at the ready disposal of translators, thus facilitating their task radically. Apart from international language dictionaries, the library consists of a huge range of books in different languages covering a vast area of subjects from literature, travel, to magazines in international languages. As a special aid for the training courses, Language Services Bureau also boasts of numerous audio visual aids including books, cassettes (both audio-video), CD’s for learning languages. These aids expose the student to real life situations and conversations of native speakers of a language, and help them grasp a language as it is spoken in the respective country.
